"What's that, prof? I should feel free to come up with my own examples based on what I think would be interesting? I know just the thing...."

Jan 2, 2015

We didn't end up going, but the reviews described it as "a time machine to the 80s." Maybe on the way back....

Jan 2, 2015

Dec 20, 2014

Would that I could "ignore financialization." There were a lot of gems like this as I finished up papers for the semester. It turns out that working on academic papers requires that you use a lot of words that aren't in the dictionary, whether you're using other people's coinages, your own, or just verbed nouns. This one, though, I think is an Apple dictionary problem.

Dec 17, 2014

fb as nosy acquaintance

Dec 14, 2014

When documentaries about declawing cats are in the "Recently Watched" section of Netflix, you know several things. 1) You're in our house 2) A lot of tears have been shed in the last forty-five minutes 3) Starbuck and Boomer are hiding under the bed cause they want us to stop hugging them and saying we'll never let them go.

Dec 13, 2014

All those Santas, all those elves.... It's less that I threw a shoulder or two and more that I didn't move a shoulder or two. So to have my impotent rage superseded by an elf thrown bodily through the air, well, it was magical.